Blessed Sacrament Parish
Amherstview, Ontario

Saint Linus
Bath, Ontario

Saint Bartholomew
Amherst Island, Ontario
St. Linus Parish, Bath

Current Events

Volunteers Needed:

October 13th and 20th are Sign-Up Sundays. We need Volunteers for the following:

  • Altar Servers: Looking for individuals from Elementary School (Gr 4 and up), to Adulthood. Server assists Father at Mass. Carrying the Cross before and at the end of Mass, as well as for the bringing of the Gifts at the Offertory are just a few of the duties of an Altar Server. Instructions on what to do will be available. Total commitment time: 60 minutes on the Sunday the Server is scheduled.
  • Bingo Volunteers: As Volunteers at Community Bingo (Montreal Street), the hours that are spent at the Centre, provide funds for the Church to assist in repairs, acquisitions, community charitable support. Currently the schedule requires the volunteers (Teams of 2) to be at the Centre for 2 hours assisting the employees of the Hall as well as the patrons. St. Linus is scheduled on Fridays with either 11:00am or 1:00pm time slots.
  • Lectors: Strong readers are encouraged to do the Readings of the Sunday Mass (1st, 2nd, Psalm, and Prayers of the Faithful). Preparation involved practicing the readings before arriving at Mass; being 15 minutes early to Mass in order to practice the Prayers of the Faithful; and being dressed respectfully for Mass. Lectors sit close to the Altar.
  • Eucharistic Ministers: Individuals assist Father in giving Communion to the Parishioners.
  • Choir Members: Anyone who is able to sing, or play the organ / guitar are invited to join the Choir to sing the Mass. Choir Practice weekly and then the time at Mass.

October Rosary

October is the Month of the Rosary so we will be saying the Rosary before Mass on Sunday every Sunday in October. The Rosary will begin at 10:10, and will be led by one of our Parishioners. We need four volunteers to lead the Rosary each Sunday. Please be respectful of those praying when you come into Church by being quiet.

Current Bulletin

