Parish and Liturgical Teams - Blessed Sacrament Church
Gordon & Shirley McDonald (613-389-9810)
Funeral Luncheons
Parish Office (613-389-2009)
Junior Liturgy
Saturday: Steve Kennedy
Sunday: Shawn McDonald
Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Greeters
Shirley McDonald (613-389-9810)
Parish Organizations
Catholic Women's League (CWL)
Donna Guiney (613-331-5789)
Knights of Columbus (KofC)
Lyle Arcand (613-384-3949)
Prayer Group
Paul Godfrey (613-384-2671)
Life After Loss
Donna Guiney (613-389-2009)
Prayer Network
Parish Office (613-389-2009)
Parish Prayer Network
Thank you to all who have joined our parish prayer network. Every day, over 50 parishioners are praying for you, for our parish and for special intentions. If you have an intention or if you know of someone in need, please call the parish office to have the prayer network pray for your request (please let us know if your request is for a recently deceased loved one or if it is for someone not deceased but who needs prayers). Also, if you want to join the prayer network and pray for others, please call the parish office.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Becoming a Catholic involves an ongoing process of preparation. If you would like more information, please call the Parish Office (613-389-2009).