Welcome New Parishioners!
Welcome to our Parish. We are glad you are attending Mass here. If you are new to the parish, please call the parish office to register OR complete the registration form and email to: BlessedSacrament@archkingston.ca.
Please join us for Bingo in support of our parish at the Community Spirit Gaming Centre, 900 Montreal Street.
Next bingos:
~ Thursday, February 20th at 5:00 pm
~ Thursday, March 6th at 1:00 pm
~ Thursday, March 13th at 1:00 pm
Parish Breakfast
Join us on Sunday, March 30th following Mass. Tickets are on sale at weekend masses beginning February 22nd: $8/person or $25/family (2 adults + children over 12 in school). Children under 12 free.
Euchre Night
Join us at 7:00 pm on the third Tuesday of the month for an evening of euchre in the Blessed Sacrament church hall. This event is open to all who are over age 16 - bring your friends, family and neighbours! Cover charge is $2/person. Light refreshments served. Prizes will be awarded and there is Share the Wealth every evening.
~ The next euchre evening is Tuesday, Feb. 18th at 7:00 pm.
Children's Liturgy
Children’s Liturgy is held on Sundays during 9 am Mass. Children ages 3-7 will listen to children’s bible stories, learn prayers and do crafts. Spread the word! Also, high school students can earn volunteer hours by helping with Children’s Liturgy. If you would like to volunteer, please call the parish office as soon as possible. 613-389-2009.
Father Charles' Homilies
Visit our blog webpage for messages and homilies from our pastor. Archived messages and blogs as well as messages from the Archbishop may be found here.
Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament is held at Blessed Sacrament every Friday from 10:00 - 11:00 am. Everyone welcome. NOTE: Adoration is not held during Lent.
Bulletin Notices and Deadlines
Suggested content for the Blessed Sacrament bulletin can be emailed by clicking here. Alternatively, notices can be placed in the Parish Office door mail slot by noon on Wednesday.
To publish an item in the St. Linus bulletin, call Melanie Myers at 613-352-7256. If you are requesting prayer for people who are sick, their names can be added to the prayer list (with their permission). If someone's name should be removed from that list, please let us know as soon as possible.
Prayer Quilts
As small hand tied quilts are made, a silent prayer is said for someone in special need. If someone you know is facing a health or personal issue and would like a prayer quilt, please contact Mary Dupel at (613) 389-6104. There is no charge for these quilts.
Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
An AED has been installed in Blessed Sacrament church, on the wall at the top of the stairs to the hall. This device may be used in the event of a cardiac emergency. Training on the AED is provided on an annual or semi-annual basis. You may also view instructions provided by the manufacturer at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqY2hrHrKQs.
Sunday Offering Envelopes and New Missals
Blessed Sacrament: Offertory Envelopes for 2025 are now available in the Church entrance. If you are currently not using OFFERTORY ENVELOPES and are able to contribute to the upkeep of Blessed Sacrament, please call 613-389-2009 or email blessedsacrament@archkingston.ca to have your envelopes prepared for you! If you are interested in supporting Blessed Sacrament by pre-authorized donations, please call the parish office.
2025 Sunday Missals now available at the entrance to the church – donation of at least $5 appreciated!
St. Linus: Please pick up your 2024 Envelopes and new Missal on Sunday November 26th at the Church. Take note of the number on your Envelopes as some may have changed year-over-year.
If you are interested in supporting Blessed Sacrament, please call the parish office at 613-389-2009 for pre-authorized donations, click on the link below to go to our donations website, or scan the QR code below.
Become an Altar Server
Have you received your First Holy Communion and wish to be an altar server? Call the Parish Office (613-389-2009) or email us at BlessedSacrament@archkingston.ca. Adults who have been altar servers in the past are always welcome to assist at special Masses. Altar servers are needed at both Blessed Sacrament and St. Linus churches.
Save Your Used Postage Stamps for Children
The Redemptorists collect stamps. Please put your used postage stamps (leave a ½ inch white space on all sides of the stamp) in the red and white box at the Religious Articles counter. It is amazing, but only ONE cancelled stamp can provide food for one day for a Third World child.