Blessed Sacrament Parish
Amherstview, Ontario

Saint Linus
Bath, Ontario

Saint Bartholomew
Amherst Island, Ontario

Blessed Sacrament, Amherstview


If you would like to offer a Mass for a deceased loved one, for the intentions of someone or a Mass in Thanksgiving – please call the parish office. The Stipend is $20 per Mass.

    Regular Masses: Saturday (5:15 pm) and Sunday (9:00 am)

    First Saturday:  Each month at 9:30 am

    Daily Masses: Weekdays at 9:30 am with the following exceptions:

      ~ There will be no daily mass on Monday, February 17th or Tuesday, February 18th.

      ~ There will be an extra mass on Wednesday, February 19th at 11:00 am at Helen Henderson Care Centre.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

    Fridays:  Immediately following morning Mass (10:00 - 11:00 am).

Chaplet of Divine Mercy

    Thursdays:  3:00 pm

St. Linus, Bath

    Regular Masses: Sunday at 10:30 am

St. Bartholomew, Amherst Island

    Regular Masses are not scheduled at this time.