Blessed Sacrament Parish
Amherstview, Ontario

Saint Linus
Bath, Ontario

Saint Bartholomew
Amherst Island, Ontario
Blessed Sacrament CWL

Upcoming Events


Our regular meetings generally follow 7:00 pm Mass on the second Tuesday of the month, which is a part of the spiritual portion of our meetings. Please join your sisters at Mass as we pray together. Meetings are cancelled over the summer. Note that in the winter months, meetings will be cancelled if the weather is poor. If in doubt, check this website for cancellations or call Donna Guiney (613-331-5789). Approved minutes are available at the bottom of this page.

Snowflake Bazaar

Our annual bazaar was held on Saturday, November 16th. It was well attended by both parishioners and families from the local community. Special thanks to all of the volunteers who assisted in so many ways with this event! See photos...

Renew your Membership

Current CWL members are invited to renew their membership through January and February each year. The annual fee is $30.00. Call Shirley McDonald (613-389-9810) for more information or place your cheque for $30 in an envelope with your name and phone number. Mark the outside "CWL MEMBERSHIP" and place it in the collection basket at any mass or drop off in the church mailbox on Briscoe Street.    

CWLrenewalCalling New Members!

You are invited to journey in a sisterhood of faith, fun and fulfillment by joining the Catholic Women's League! The annual fee is only $30.00. New members are welcome any time of the year. Call Shirley McDonald (613-389-9810) for more information or place your cheque for $30 in an envelope with your name and phone number. Mark the outside "CWL MEMBERSHIP" and place it in the collection basket at any mass, or drop off in the church mailbox on Briscoe Street.

CWL News

New Member & Milestone Pins

Pins were awarded at our March 12th, 2024 meeting to new members and those celebrating milestones. New member Christine Edwards and milestone recipients Anne Turcotte (45 years), Cornelia Splinter (15 years) and Diane Raffael (15 years) were not available for photos.

Aubin     Matthews
Susan Aubin: 30 years     Heather Matthews: 25 years
Cathy Splinter: 25 years     Danna Dobson: 20 years
Neville     Peethuruthal
Kelly Neville: 15 years     New Member Mini Peethuruthal

New Officers for 2024-2025

New Officers were elected at our 2024 January 9th meeting. The Officers were installed at the 5:15 mass on Saturday, January 13th, 2024.

2024-2025 EXECUTIVE
President: Donna Guiney (613-331-5789)
Vice President: Shirley McDonald (613-389-9810)
Past President: Kelly Neville (613-840-5659)
Secretary: Mary Lou Hills (613-384-3547)
Treasurer: Danna Dobson (613-634-9621)
Membership: Shirley McDonald (613-389-9810)
Faith: Liz Ford (613-483-9520)
Service: Danna Dobson (613-634-9621)
Social Justice: VACANT  

CWL Archives

Policy Manual

The Blessed Sacrament Catholic Women's League policy manual is now available online. Watch it grow as we continue to develop our council's policies and procedures.

Meeting Minutes

Approved meeting minutes are available by clicking on the link below:


Other Items of Interest


Catholic Women's League - National

Catholic Women's League - Ontario Provincial Council

Catholic Women's League - Kingston Diocesan Council